Natten till idag vred vi tillbaka klockarna till normaltid igen. Det innebär att det blir mörkare en timme tidigare på kvällen, till astrofotografers stora glädje. Natten till idag var jag ute för att fånga de sista timmarna av sommartid. Här är en bild då halvmånen precis kommer upp bakom Östersunds rådhus, ett av våra mer kända landsmärken. I bakgrunden syns några moln som lyses upp av månen.
Last night the summer time come to an end here in Sweden and we're back to normal time. This means that it will be darker one hour earlier in the evenings, to all astrophotographers big delight. Last night I went out to capture the last hours of the summer time. Here's a photo of the half moon rising behind the city hall of Östersund. In the background you can see some clouds that are lit by the moon.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Nebula made of water and fire
We had some really bad weather here in Sweden lately and the restlessness kicked in yesterday so I thought I would try something new to create some space photos and this is what came out of it.
I started of by doing some smoke photography and then took it one step further and added water. I used a plant mister to get small water drops act like stars along with the smoke. The idea was to create something that look like nebula's. So these fake nebula's where made from two of our four elements on Earth, water and fire.
The shot is one single exposure and I used used three off camera flashes to light up the smoke and the water.

I started of by doing some smoke photography and then took it one step further and added water. I used a plant mister to get small water drops act like stars along with the smoke. The idea was to create something that look like nebula's. So these fake nebula's where made from two of our four elements on Earth, water and fire.
The shot is one single exposure and I used used three off camera flashes to light up the smoke and the water.

Smoke photography
Hur kan man fördriva en regnig kväll? Ett sätt är att fotografera rök. Igår kväll riggade jag upp för lite rökfotografering och testade lite olika ljus och efterarbete. Här är några bilder som visar vilka vackra formationer som kan uppstå i rök.
What do you do when it's raining outside. I did some smoke photography and here are some photos that came out of that. It's amazing to see what fantastic structures that can emerge within the smoke.
What do you do when it's raining outside. I did some smoke photography and here are some photos that came out of that. It's amazing to see what fantastic structures that can emerge within the smoke.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Hunter's Moon
Fullmånen i oktober brukar kallas Hunter's Moon (jägarmånen fritt översatt). Tdigare var det nödvändigt att under denna tid hamstra mat inför den kommande vintern. Jag själv gav mig ut på jakt på själva månen. Det blåste väldigt kraftigt denna natt och ca en timme efter att bilden togs började det snöa.
The full moon of October is also called Hunter's Moon. It's the time of the year when native Americans begun storing up food for the long winter ahead. I went out to hunt down the Moon it selves. It was a very windy night and about an hour after this picture was taken, it began to snow.
The full moon of October is also called Hunter's Moon. It's the time of the year when native Americans begun storing up food for the long winter ahead. I went out to hunt down the Moon it selves. It was a very windy night and about an hour after this picture was taken, it began to snow.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Norrskensbubbla / Aurora bubble
En panoramabild från senaste norrskenet där jag skapat en liten värld i en bubbla som svävar fram i rymden. En ensam fotograf står där och försöker fånga ett pågående norrsken med sin kamera.
A panoramic image from last aurora. It's a small world trapped inside a bubble floating in space. A lonely photographer is trying to capture the ongoing aurora with his camera.
A panoramic image from last aurora. It's a small world trapped inside a bubble floating in space. A lonely photographer is trying to capture the ongoing aurora with his camera.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
En galaktisk fyr / Galactic Lighthouse
Samma kväll som jag tog mina norrskensbilder så tog jag även denna bild av Sunne kyrka med vår egen galax Vintergatan som bakgrund. Jag fastnade för hur ljuset från kyrktornet sträckte sig ut bland stjärnorna, som en fyr för interstellära resenärer.
This photo was taken on the same night as the latest aurora photos. I really like how the lights in the church tower acts like a light beacon from planet earth that stretches out among the stars. Like a galactic lighthouse for interstellar travelers.
This photo was taken on the same night as the latest aurora photos. I really like how the lights in the church tower acts like a light beacon from planet earth that stretches out among the stars. Like a galactic lighthouse for interstellar travelers.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Aurora by the lake
Här är lite bilder från i onsdags då vi i Östersund bjöds på en fin norrskensshow. Bifogar även en film på en minut som visar två timmar av norrskenet. I förgrunden ser ni bilar som åker till och från en färja som syns ute till vänster i bild.
Some photos and a movie showing two hours the aurora from last Wednesday in one minute.

Some photos and a movie showing two hours the aurora from last Wednesday in one minute.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013
The Milky Way and Aurora Borealis
Här kommer en stor mosaik jag satt samman från natten till idag. Det är en mosaik av totalt 8 bilder som visar 180 grader av Vintergatans utbredning och 180 grader av ett norrsken som dök upp helt oväntat. Behöver jag säga att det var en vacker natt?
Here's a mosaic I've made of a total of 8 photos. 4 photos to make a 180 degree coverage of the Milky Way and 4 photos to make a 180 degree coverage of the Aurora. These where than assembled into this mosaic showing our Milky Way together with a aurora that has surrounded a small village in the distance.
Here's a mosaic I've made of a total of 8 photos. 4 photos to make a 180 degree coverage of the Milky Way and 4 photos to make a 180 degree coverage of the Aurora. These where than assembled into this mosaic showing our Milky Way together with a aurora that has surrounded a small village in the distance.
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