Here's a couple of photos of today's beautiful Sun. Lots of nice activities going on despite the fact that the Sun is heading for a activity minimum in the solar cycle. Including a closeup shot of today's big beautiful prominence. Taken using a Lunt LS80THa telescope with a PointGrey Grasshopper 3 camera.
Monday, May 28, 2018
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Iridescent Clouds
Yesterday I saw some really colorful Iridescent clouds, one of my favorite cloud phenomena. These clouds are visible when parts of clouds are thin and have similar size droplets, diffraction can make them shine with colours like a corona. I like how the Sun was covered enough to be visible through and not totally overexposed.
Nikon D850 with Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8E Exposure: 1/8000 sec. ISO 64 @ 112mm f/8 |
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